A fun evening at BENT, with four other writers: Tamai Kobayashi, Farzana Doctor, S Bear Bergman and John Miller. Kudos to moderator Andrew Vail, who presided over the festivities with flair and finesse, and many thanks to the lively audience at this well-attended event at the Gladstone Hotel on Queen W. We may not have solved the publishing dilemmas of queer authors, but we had a hell of a good time discussing them.
Dec 5, 2009
Tonight marked the one year anniversary of Proust & Company, the musical and literary salon held above Gladday Bookshop. Thanks to our wonderful readers, RM Vaughan (Troubled), Peter Dube (Hovering World) and Steven Bereznai (Queeroes), as well as the Urban Flute Project, who provided some terrific musical ambience. Thanks also to John Scythes and Gladday, co-host Josh Bentley-Swan, Shane McConnell (who did most of the work, as usual) and everyone who dropped by.
Posted by
Jeffrey Round
December 2, 2009
It's always nice when you feel your writing is appreciated. And then there are those extremely rare reviews that send you over the moon. This is one: http://www.stageandpage.com/the%20honey%20locust.htm#locust
Posted by
Jeffrey Round